The methodology adopted would depend upon

The nature of the project and its life stage

Social audit encompasses a range of approaches, from a basic articulation of goals, to the most sophisticated measurement of a Social Return on Investment (SROI), the social value created per rupee spent. But other measures are also helpful in explaining the aims and benefits of a social venture – such as cost per output (job created, life improved, carbon emissions obviated etc.).

Clarity about what one wants to measure (and why)

The process of audit helps companies to think about what they need to measure, why it is important and how they could do it. The audit process should help an organization to think through what its objectives are, how they’ll know when they’ve been achieved and what will change as a result (and for whom), if they are successful.


Communicating progress to stakeholders including inputs, outputs, outcomes and impacts. Using a combination of quantitative and qualitative information to tell the story. Our reporting includes:

   Being transparent about areas for improvement.

   Verifying data of reported information.